Has there ever been something that you knew you had to do to make money, but you continually avoided doing it? How much money has this avoidance behavior cost you? Prospecting seems to be the number one activity to which real estate agents are “allergic.”

Prospecting Allergy Symptoms

Every behavior, including avoidance, is a learned pattern.  Chances are, that there are certain patterns of behavior that you engage in when you are avoiding prospecting. Things that you do when you’re avoiding it, right?  When you are considering prospecting are you usually sitting down or standing? Do you have a lot of energy or not much? Do you tell yourself, “I’ve got all day,” “I’ll do it later” etc.? If you sit and think about it, you will probably find that there are certain things that you do which become a routine pattern when you are avoiding prospecting.

Break Down the Pattern

A pattern consists of

  • Self Talk
    • Self talk is that voice in your head that says “I’m no good at this,” “I need to practice more before I start prospecting.”  It’s all the stuff you tell yourself that enables you to either take action or convinces you why you shouldn’t.
  • Physiology
    • Your physiology has a tremendous effect on your energy. Are you excited, fired up, and ready to do something great? Standing, sitting, rubbing your hands, jumping up and down? Or are you sitting, slumping, or even dozing?
  • Focus/Belief – Thinking that nobody’s home or everyone’s home.
    • What are you focusing on? Do you say to yourself, “no one’s home right now?” “Everyone must be at work… “ Or do you focus on the next person you call or door knock. Do you believe that will be your next appointment?

Think about this:

What do you do when you avoid prospecting?

  1. What do you say to yourself?  (Write it out)
  2. How do you move your body? (Write out your actions…)
  3. What do focus on?  (Write it out…)

The All Natural Remedy for Your Prospecting Allergy

TECHNIQUE #1Put your body into it:

  1. Move your body in a new, powerful way.…in a way that makes you feel unstoppable!
  2. Create your power-move and word ….dial the phone/knock on the door/get in the car…
  3. Powerful thoughts, moves and words will create big results!
  4. If your avoidance pattern begins to surface….then (BOOM!) do your POWER MOVE….and dial the phone.

TECHNIQUE #2 – Interrupt your pattern through powerful AFFIRMATIONS!:  “I’m alive, excited, and full of energy!”

  • I am determined!
  • I am fearless!
  • I am powerful!
  • I am unstoppable!

After you start saying this, with passion and energy, say YES! Then you either dial the phone or KNOCK!

TECHNIQUE #3Prospecting Power Questions:  (Direct your Focus)

  1. What do I ABSOLUTELY LOVE about prospecting?  Appointments! Results! Closings! Money!
  2. What RESULTS will I produce today?  I will get one great listing appt. today!
  3. How can I create positive energy? Look excited, be excited!
  4. What should I say to myself right now….to produce extraordinary results?


  • Who controls the patterns?  “I do!”   Who is 100% in control?  “I AM!”
  • Speak powerfully and you’ll act powerfully!
  • Move your body like you are unstoppable and powerful and you will get powerful results!
  • Focus on your goals, the rewards, your victories and you will create extraordinary results!