FeelingOverwhelmedHave you ever felt overwhelmed due to the amount of work you have to get done by the end of the day? Oftentimes, that feeling of being so overwhelmed is so overwhelming in itself that you begin to “freeze”. You do not know what to do first and as a result, you do close to nothing at all. Has that ever happened to you?

You Need a Target That Excites and Motivates You

Motivation starts with an idea, something that you really want; it may be a certain number of closed deals per year, it may be a certain amount of income each month or to make a certain percentage more than you did the prior year. The target is something you really want to achieve.

Step 1. Write down a goal you want, a goal that excites you

You Can’t Hit the Target if You Don’t Aim First

The clearer you are about what you want to achieve, the more chance you will have of achieving it. You can’t just sit on your couch and attract everything you want in life, you need to get off your butt and do it.

2. Write down the result you’re looking for and the steps you need to achieve it on any given day

Motivation alone isn’t the answer

Persistence is the ability to carry on towards your goals even when things go wrong or take longer than you wanted them to. With persistence, you keep going and striving for what you want even when you feel like giving up. Your motivation is affected by your mood, the people around you, how well things are going, etc. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated; sometimes you won’t. But it’s not your motivation that will produce results, it’s your actions.

So how does persistence improve your motivation? Persistence allows you to keep taking action even when you don’t feel motivated to do so. With persistence, you stop procrastinating and keep getting at least small things done; they all add up – and therefore you keep on achieving results.

3. Keep taking action, you’ll eventually get results.

Having and Sticking to a Schedule is a Must

Having a schedule in place is the foundation for an effective and efficient day. If it is not in your schedule, it won’t get done.

4. Create a schedule every night a follow it diligently the next day.

Final Thoughts

Feeling overwhelmed is a common challenge that many of us have from time to time. Fortunately, it’s better for you to be overwhelmed with a lot of work to do than it is to do be overwhelmed with no work to do.  Think positively, continue moving forward, look towards your goals, work on achieving them on a daily basis…  You will get there.