Motivation Gets You Going, Discipline Keeps You Growing Notes

Sales Meeting 11-19-2012

Door Knock Blitz $25 gas card winners: Alberto Santiveris, Alexander Villa, Geoffrey Novall, Debbie Burke, courtesy of Mario Pierce and Patricia Redfern of Guild Mortgage.

You have to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. I see people all the time with purpose, who are inconsistent in their progress. They have the ambition to succeed and they know how to do their job, yet they do not move forward. Why? Because they think they can master their job without having to master themselves first.

What do I mean?
They go to bed late, get up late, don’t take time to set up a schedule that takes in all the elements of their day. They think they can wing it. They don’t practice or even continue to practice.

Your future is dependent upon your personal growth. Improving yourself daily guarantees a future full of possibilities. When you expand yourself, you expand your possibilities.

Most average agents share the following traits:

  • Not enough practice time
  • Not enough product knowledge
  • Not enough rest/energy
  • Not enough meeting of people
  • Not enough follow up/or follow up system…

You want it now? Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy. Most people never realize how close they are to achieving significant things because they give up too soon. The people who grow and achieve the most are the ones who harness the power of patience and persistence.

A strong why will keep you going on the days when you don’t feel like growing. Do you have a strong or big enough why?
Take the why test:
1. Do you constantly procrastinate on important tasks?
2. Do you require coaxing to do small chores?
3. Do you perform duties just to get by?
4. Do you constantly talk negatively about your work?
5. Do efforts of friends to encourage you irritate you instead?
6. Do you start small projects and abandon them?
7. Do you avoid self-improvement opportunities?

Vince Lombardi said:  “Once you learn to quit it becomes a habit.”
Quit on doing a schedule, quit prospecting regularly, quit eating right, quit exercising regularly, quit working on your scripts and dialogues. But… when you make the right choices, however small, and do it consistently, over time, it can make a huge difference in your life.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and that bridge must be crossed every day. Over time that daily crossing becomes a habit. Ultimately people do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future.

When you do what others will not do you can have what others cannot have.

Plan for the next 4 work days. Go see 20 Expireds at the door and door knock 10 around each home stopping into visit properties to preview homes along the way.
M T W—F. People will be home this week more than usual on average because of the holidays. You will have no competition. Get out and do it!
Get to the phone blitz in Walnut and Covina this week without fail. Call your past clients and Centers of Influence, tell them about all the good things going on in the market.

According to a report I read, the listing inventory has not been lower nor demand higher since 2005. Prices are not going to sky rocket but they will steadily climb.

How many people can you meet that want to list next year,10/20/50?
Make a list, set a goal. Who will not list or buy now? Create a hit list for next year.
How many leads do you need to do 50 deals next year?
How many appointments can you set in the next 25 work days?
How many listings can you take?
How many sales and listings can you do?
How many pending’s can you have at the turn 01-01-2013?

The market is getting better:

  • Easier to get a loan
  • Prices still below 2006 levels
  • Interest rates are super low

Remember…Today matters!

The choice you make today will affect the results you get tomorrow.
Now let’s go out a make this a week of discipline and power!