The one trait that will lead you to success throughout your entire life is … persistence. By mastering the art of being persistent, you’ll be able to push yourself further than the competition and ultimately achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself.

When prospecting for new clients, remember….Some will, some won’t, some will, some won’t but someone out there is waiting for you, all you have to do is keep searching until you get that big YES from qualified clients.

You can’t skip steps
One of life’s realities is that major improvement takes time, it just doesn’t magically happen.( Rome wasn’t built over night.) It’s not possible to go from being a brand new agent to a super star agent in 3 months. It’s an accumulating effect which starts with step 1, then go to step 2, 3 and so on.

Becoming a master takes time
It’s something that no one really wants to hear but becoming great at anything takes a lot of time. You have to practice, practice, and practice some more. The good news is… most people aren’t willing to pay the price to achieve mastery. Don’t short change yourself by not being ready when your opportunity comes your way. Make a commitment now to keep getting better and better every day in every way.

The extra mile
The extra mile is never crowded… To be a great sales person we must set ourselves apart from our competitors… We must go the extra mile. To go the “extra mile,” Below are just a few things you need to do:
Show up on time
• Call back your clients when you said you would
• Communicate with your buyers and sellers weekly
• Listen to the client
• Preview property

You see, greatness is being persistent in the little things all the time, not being great at big things some of the time. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.