Persistence Pays Off

Why persistence pays off…

Let’s define persistence…. Not willing to accept a No when Yes is still possible.

The difference between consistency and persistence is doing it over and over without giving up.

Persistence should be approached with a purpose or goal.

Many people are consistent, however they are not persistent because they don’t know what they are going after.

One client told me: “I never switch to a new supplier unless they’ve been chasing me for six months – I want to know that they’re really serious.” Some of your contacts may be adopting a similar approach. Do they matter enough to you for you to fight for their business?

Don’t Ever Think of Giving Up

You can do better…….We have (8)…(7) 6 weeks until the Mike Ferry Superstar Retreat

  • 168 hours in each week x (8) = 1,344 hours (40) (35) 30 work days.
  • Preview 5 houses a day for 5 days = 25 per week x (8)…7 week (200) (175) 150 properties.
  • Go see 5 expireds per day 25 per week for (8) 7 weeks = (200) (175) 150 properties expireds and previews
  • (400) (350) 300 properties and door knock 10 around each is (4,000) (3500) 3000 doors knocks in (8) (7) 6 weeks.

That would be (1,200) (1050) 900 contacts.

  • Go to 1 blitz per week ½ day – that is for all past clients and centers of influence and setting appointments.
  • Go on 2 appointments per week (16) for the (8) (7 ) 6 weeks. Get 1 listing per week = 8 listings, 4 sales.

Think about this….The LA Kings won the Stanley cup in overtime.

In business, great sales people keep on going. They keep on going until the final whistle or
when a prospect says, “No I really don’t want your product or service so please stop contacting me,”… Until then the door is still open. One of the classic mistakes made by most average real estate agents is giving up too early.
Never take no for an answer when yes is still possible with a qualified client….

• 2% of sales are achieved on the first contact;
• 3% of sales are achieved on the second contact;
• 5% of sales are achieved on the third contact;
• 10% of sales are achieved on the fourth contact;
• 80% of sales are achieved on the fifth to twelfth contact.
“Contact” covers meetings, letters, emails, phone calls – the works.

• 48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect after the first business meeting;
• 25% of sales people never make a second contact;
• 12% of sales people only make up to three contacts and then stop;

Past client and centers of influence… why they quit doing business with us…
• 1% die;
• 3% relocate;
• 5% follow other recommendations;
• 9% find an alternative supplier whose products or services they perceive as better quality or value;
• 14% are dissatisfied with the product or service;
• 68% stop buying because of their agent’s indifference: they take their business elsewhere because they feel undervalued or ignored.

Those figures are scary or they could be seen as a fabulous opportunity.

Every week when we coaches get together we talk about the wins that our people are getting and every week there are at least 3 stories of agents that did some follow up and produced a great lead or appointment from a prospect that was not on the agents radar screen.
And in each case the agent seems surprised by this opportunity!

The magic pill just may be contact your past clients and center of influence all the time. The business is out there! Call them!
1. Make sure you have a list of how many you have with email…addresses and cell numbers and know how many within each individual category
2. No matter how many you have start contacting them
3. Contact your pc/coi. Don’t just leave a message… talk to them.
4. Work every week to make your list current. Go visit them and collect the numbers.
5. Go through your cell phone this week and call everyone. Use the pc/coi script and get give them the news about the market and get their updated information.
6. Look for pc/coi in facebook and linkedin. Don’t think about it… just use it to track clients and friends.

Write this down…
You can’t change your past, but your future is a clean slate and can be shaped by your choices.

The choices you make today will determine what you will be, do, and have tomorrow.
They determine what you will do with your potential.

Train yourself to focus on your potential instead of your limitations
“Write this down”
• I am the most important asset I have, not my money, not my family.

• It starts and ends with me.

• You are what people are buying.

• Too much freedom now (No Prospecting) = long-term pain and suffering, debt, no savings, no schedule = Renting not buying

• Discipline Now (Prospecting a full amount) = Freedom later, money in the bank, – no debt., owning your own home

(8) 7 weeks show yourself… show your family… show the world what you are made of.
Now go out and make this week the best week ever!