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11 28 2011 Sales Meeting

20 work days left in 2011; can you do what you should for just the next 20 work days?

Never Take No For An Answer When Yes Is Still Possible; The Advanced Expired Script

Expired Listings are both a rich source of business and a competitive challenge. Too often agents miss a hot lead when the prospect says they meeting with another agent, but  you should never take no for an answer when yes is still possible. Here is a role play of the...

Your Time is your most valuable Asset

Your time is valuable. What you do with your time will determine how much money you make. Do not waste your time!

Real Estate people never lie …

Real Estate people never lie … or do they? Have you ever made a promise to a client and that not kept it? Maybe we all do … and isn’t that actually lying? On this quick video, Neil Schwartz will train you to “Under-Promise & Over-Deliver”. You’ll see how you can...

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