Traits of Agents Who Get It 2013

Traits of Agents Who Get It 2013,
Sales Meeting, November 25, 2013

Quote: “Folks who never do more than they are paid for never get paid for more than they do.” Elbert Hubbard

Legal Eagle Report: solicitation of represented clients.

22 work days still left this year!

Agents who get it understand the importance of Momentum:
Momentum is the ability to get up in the morning and do what it takes all day long to achieve the goals that you have set. Momentum is that unseen force that propels you either to success or failure. You can have good mo (momentum) and bad mo…..

Momentum Killers:

Appointment Dance. Momentum means you do not do the “I got the appointment dance”! When you get an appointment you dance around the office, I got an appointment! I got an appointment!

Instead you say “Yes” to yourself and go looking for another appointment (good mo) or “I’m just going to take a few days off”, stripping any momentum from building up (bad mo). MO needs time to build up, good Mo and bad Mo.

Agents Who Get It Eliminate Excuses

Is there something that you are supposed to be doing everyday that you are not? What is the reason for not doing it? That is an excuse…

They do what it takes to maintain high energy daily. They control their environment, their food intake, the exercise they get and the amount of rest they get. They do affirmations daily.
They work when they are supposed to work. Rest when they are supposed to rest.

Agents Who Get It Have An Uplifting Attitude

Opportunities are awarded most often to the person, who has the best ATTITUDE for the job, not necessarily the one with the most APTITUDE for the job.

So how do you change your attitude?

Focus on what you CAN do – when someone asks you for help, even if you’re not the person that can help them, focus on the CAN. Let them know you CAN help them contact the right person to get their question answered.

Smile at everyone you meet – Take 1 day and smile at everyone you meet. Don’t worry if they don’t smile back, just keep smiling. By the end of the day, you’ll be happier because smiling automatically gives you more energy than frowning. Remember: Only YOU can make your life better. So I ask you, Will you settle for average, or will you do what it takes to Make it Great?

Agents Who Get It Are Optimistic

Optimism means having expectations that, for the most part, things will eventually turn out okay. Optimism means they see the positive in all situations. They look for ways to move forward. They don’t focus on disappointment or negative feelings. People want to spend time with individuals who have a positive view on life. As an optimist, they see the world as a series of exciting challenges. They inspire positive feelings about everything you stand for. This mindset is contagious and helps empower people to believe in themselves and in you.

Agents Who Get It Continue To Be Trained

How much training does a professional actor get? How about a doctor or a lawyer? How about an athlete? In real estate we figure “I went to a class I know it, now I’m cool”, “look at me, I’m going to wing it.” Remember when you are not working to improve yourself, your competition is. Training never ends as long as you want to be your best. No one ever wants to hire an average agent, people only want to hire the best one

What are you doing to be the best you can be?

Agents Who Get It Are Selective As To Whom They Talk To And Spend Time With

It is true we become like the people we spend time with. So if you are spending time with negative, unproductive, difficult people, we become negative, unproductive, and difficult.
Conversely, if we hang around uplifting, excited, positive, and enthusiastic people, we become like them.

Who are you hanging out with?

Agents Who Get It Learn How To Control Their Ego’s

The biggest cost any of us have. Every appointment is worth $10,000 and yet you go out on an appointment and wing it. You have not practiced the presentation in a while or at a high enough level. They have not practiced their objections. Have not previewed property and they are not intimately familiar with the market.

Have you analyzed the numbers so you can present them to the client in a way that the client can understand them?

Talent is a gift – be humble
Fame is man given – be thankful
Conceit is self given – be careful

Agents who get it understand the law of expectations

What ever you expect with confidence becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. When you confidently expect good things to happen good things usually happen. If you expect negative things to happen you are usually never disappointed. Expect the best in all you do and expect it with confidence and you will usually never be disappointed. Spend your time doing what matters and stop worrying about the things that don’t.

Every hour you put in over forty, either on your job or on yourself, improving your knowledge and skill, Is as an investment in your success and your future.

The 1st 40 hours pays the bills
The next 10 starts to make you rich

Some of you don’t even work a great 8 let alone the extra 10. What are you thinking? The harder you work the luckier you get. To achieve more than the average person, you must work longer and harder then the average person. If you always do more that you are paid for, you will always be paid more that you are getting now.