Have you ever noticed that agents who have a high level of production spend most of their time with other agents who have a high level production? The same applies to agents who have a medium level of production and for agents
who have little to no production. Why do you think that is? Well, the reason is because subconsciously or sometimes even consciously, agents feel more comfortable hanging around people that are like themselves.
Additionally, agents prefer to surround themselves with people that do the same number of deals as them or less so aren’t looked down upon by their peers if their numbers aren’t high enough.

Surround Yourself with Successful People

According to Motivational Guru Jim Rohn, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If that’s the case, shouldn’t you be choosing your friends wisely? As you begin to grow in curiosity about
what I’m talking about, take a second to think about your 5 closest friends. Calculate how much they make and divide it by 5.

Set up a goal to meet someone every week that makes at least 5x the income you do. 5 multiplied by zero equals zero, so obviously don’t choose someone that doesn’t make any money at all. An easy way for you to find successful people is by going to seminars or networking events. We have powerful training sessions several times throughout the week at my Century 21 Masters office in Walnut. Normally, these training sessions are exclusively for Masters’ Agents only, but if you’re interested in attending, send me an email. Choosing to attend events like these allow you to have the perfect opportunity to network with some of the best agents in your market place and get the skills necessary to take your business to the next level.

Choosing the Right Group

So how do you choose the right person or the right group? It’s very simple. If your goal is to make $100,000 a year or $500,000 a year, etc. then you should spend your time with agents and people who are doing that or have done that in the past. You should spend as much time as possible with agents or brokers who have already done what you’re trying to do. As a broker, when I recruit agents, one of the several reasons why agents choose to switch offices and join Century 21 Masters is because I’ve been able to coach, teach, and train agents with little, medium, or no production and transform them into top producers who do 30, 70, or 100+ deals a year. Is a successful track record important to you?

Why Would A Top Producer Want You Around

You’re probably starting to think, “Why would a top producer be interested in surrounding themselves with a person like me?” Remember how I mentioned above that low producing agents like to hang out with other low producing agents so their production won’t stand out? It works in a similar way for many of the top producing agents. An agent doing 100+ would enjoy surrounding themselves with a person who doesn’t do nearly as much. It helps their production stand far out as well as feed their ego at the same time. As a sales person, it’s your job to sell yourself every single day and convince buyers and sellers to do business with you.
It works the same with networking. Whether you’re trying to befriend someone who does 10 more deals a year
than you do or 100 more deals, figure out a way to provide them with some kind of value in exchange for their advice.

As an added tip, it’s not necessarily the issue of staying away from people who don’t make as much money, it’s more so about being
surrounding yourself with people who have the drive and ambition to think big and make things happen.

While you may not realistically be able to become best friends with multi-millionaires right away, there’s a good chance you can within a few years of aggressively networking. Put yourself in a position and surround yourself with people you want to emulate.