It’s 8am (hopefully!) and you’ve probably just pulled into the office parking lot. You slowly walk to the office door to start your day.  As you finish settling in, you stare at the phone and begin to think about what you can do to avoid prospecting…. We can help! We did a survey on and had thousands of our readers reply. To save you time, energy, and effort, we’ve complied together the top 25 things realtors can do to avoid prospecting:

25. Watch TV
24. Go through spam emails
23. Talk about current news with the other realtors who are avoiding prospecting
22. Play games on your cell phone
21. Shuffle paper work
20. Go to Starbucks, get a Vente coffee and “accidently” spill it on your laptop/clothes
19. Go shopping on
18. Go on vacation
17. Sleep
16. Set up lunch with your lender
15. Give life coaching advice to your assistant
14. Go for lunch with your lender
13. Think about why an escrow you have is falling apart
12. Purposely turn off your alarm clock the night before
11. Go get more ink for your printer
10. Prepare for your next vacation
9. Clean your desk
8. Lock your phone and keys in your trunk
7. Go show your buyers some property
6. Purposely leave your house when rush hour starts so you’re late to begin prospecting
5. Download some songs from the Top 40
4. Accidently knock your computer off the ledge
3. Start up an argument with your spouse
2. Pretend you’re sick
1. Go on your Facebook profile and update your status to “is not prospecting”

Now, let’s be serious… if you find yourself doing any of the 25 things above, STOP!

No appointments=no money. Be honest and share your thoughts on the comment form below.