40 Work Days Left! Use That Fire in the Belly!

There are 40 work days left in the year. Our goal is to run through the finish line!

We all know that success in our educational system today is tied to the ability to memorize and apply information. Top grades go to the students with megabyte memories. Conventional wisdom says future success and classroom grades go hand in hand to students with the best grades and are the most likely to succeed.

Did you know over 50% of all the fortune 500 company CEO’s had C or C- grades in college?
Did you know that 65% of all Senators come from the bottom ½ of their class?
Did you know that 75% of all Presidents were in the lower ½ of their class?
Did you know that over 50% of millionaire entrepreneurs never finished college?

High athletic performance, like academic ability is assumed to go to those with the God given natural ability to run faster, jump higher or throw farther. If this were true, then how could the US hockey team defeat the Russians in the 1980 Olympics? The Russians were vastly more talented, had more experience, more skill as well as being stronger and faster skaters compared to the US players, yet America won.

Basketball’s Larry Bird can’t run as fast or jump as high as most NBA players.
Football Hall-of-Famer Joe Montana can’t throw as hard or as far as most NFL quarterbacks.
The most common elements in most great people we know in all walks of life is their passion, it is their drive, their enthusiasm, their desire.
These qualities will lift a person head and shoulders above the rest.

Run through the finish line.
Odds are… your next deal will come from one of two places:
1. Old Expired Listings –
Average agents will call. Superstars will go see them and knock around, then door knock 10 doors around them.
2. Past Clients and Centers of Influence –
Your next deal will most likely come from here. Call them all between now and the end of the year. Use the hot market script designed for past clients. When you give information you can ask for something. Like, “Who do you know who might be interested in taking advantage of this great market?” Or the tried and true “When do you plan on moving?”

Are you sending them an e-mail weekly?
Are you sending snail mail monthly?
Are you calling every other month?

Today matters!
In the next 40 days. You too can set yourself apart.
1. Work a great 8 every work day
2. Go see every expired listing in the markets you work 5/10 a day
3. Door knock 10 doors around every expired listing you go see
4. Make sure your past client and center of influence system is set up and working
5. Learn how to handle the objection you most had trouble with
6. Run through the finish line. Don’t stop. Complete your 5-5-10 or your 10-10 daily.
Extraordinary people are ordinary people with the little extra added on to the front.

There are 40 work days left. Use that fire in the belly. Now lets go out and make this our best week this year!