Our Blog

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

      My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey...

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll...

Join Neil’s Buyers Agent Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Buyers Agent Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Real Estate Agents who want to master buyers scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every week and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll pair you...

Work Your Leads Now

Having leads doesn't make you money, converting your leads into appointments and then contracts does. When you do not consistently work your leads you are giving other agents the opportunity to take the deals themselves. Do you have leads that you haven't followed up...

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Upgrade to Professional

You are a professional real estate salesperson. To be a successful professional real estate agent you must not only perform the actions necessary to complete sales but you must look like a successful salesperson. That means your appearance, business cards, pre-listing...

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All Great Professionals Practice

Real estate sales is a competitive career. "Winging it" is not going to make you a great salesperson...Practice, and doing what you are supposed to do on a consistent basis will. Are you dedicated to improve your skills on a regular basis? If not, Start Now, Results...

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Stay Focused

Having a plan and sticking to it produces amazing results. Letting things get you off-track is a recipe for failure. To get the results you want you must have the discipline to complete all of the tasks that you have committed to, don't let anything or anyone...

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The Power of Strong Effort

How much effort you put into your career is how much success you will reap from it. You don't have to be an above average individual, you just have to be willing to give above average effort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKMl6RfnsZQ&feature=youtu.be...

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Finish Strong

Most agents are in "holiday mode," they have basically stopped working for the year. Don't be one of those agents...This is the time to FINISH STRONG, there are lots of opportunities now and much less competition. Have you slipped into "holiday mode?" If you have, get...

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