Our Blog

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

      My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey...

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll...

Join Neil’s Buyers Agent Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Buyers Agent Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Real Estate Agents who want to master buyers scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every week and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll pair you...

No Appointments = No $$$

It is a fact that you need appointments to obtain signed contracts, yet many people expect to make money without talking to people. How can you get an appointment if you don't talk to people? You know what you need to do....so go do it!...

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Happiness Increases Productivity

Want to make more money? Work on increasing your happiness and the happiness of those around you. It is a fact that happiness breeds motivation, energy and positive outcomes for you and your business. Start being positive and empower your business starting today!...

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Hearing NO is a Good Thing

If you aren't hearing the word NO often enough, then you aren't talking to enough people. Luckily for you, the YES's increase in direct proportion to the number of NO's you hear, so go out and talk to people before somebody else does!...

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The Learning Curve

In order to become a great listing agent, you must move through the learning curve like all the great listing agents have done before you. LIVE practice is the only way to do it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edwZNR-GwZE

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Launch Your Business 2013

Now that you know what it takes to have a great year and your business plan is laid out before you, its time to implement your plan with the same passion and enthusiasm you had when you wrote it. YOU can make a million dollars this year... yes, YOU!...

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Practicing Your Listing Presentation

In order to get better at your listing presentation you have to go on more listing appointments... even if you don't get the listings. What would motivate you to do that? The desire to get better and learn from your mistakes....

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