Our Blog

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

      My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey...

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll...

Join Neil’s Buyers Agent Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Buyers Agent Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Real Estate Agents who want to master buyers scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every week and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll pair you...

Follow-up, Follow-up, and Then Follow-up Some More!

Take just a couple of minutes and you’ll learn that all of us have lost deals because we’re not following up well … in fact, let’s be honest … often times we’re not following up at all!    Lead follow-up simply separates the PROSPECTS vs the SUSPECTS as you’ll see...

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How Bad Do You Want Success?

Great agents take action......massive action! Are you taking massive action, or is your fear of looking foolish preventing you from asking for the business? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HPsObMNVYw&feature=relmfu

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October 24, 2011 Sales Meeting Part 1,2,3

-Take massive action -Don't take no for an answer -Keep following up -Practice, practice, practice -Keep your word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ssYtZHV8v0&feature=channel_video_title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlJId2Hv3o&feature=channel_video_title...

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