Our Blog

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

      My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey...

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll...

Join Neil’s Buyers Agent Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Buyers Agent Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Real Estate Agents who want to master buyers scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every week and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll pair you...

Are You In The 48%?

What would happen if you didn't give up on your leads so soon? Watch now and find out how contacting your leads multiple times will put you ahead of most agents and make you more money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKKoU5AHeew

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Accept The Accumulation Effect

You must understand and use the accumulation effect to your advantage. Accepting the fact that what you do everyday affects your future is powerful. Using it will change your life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E26X09uU_Ps CLICK HERE FOR NOTES

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How Far Do You Go?

When you give up on leads too soon you lose deals. Watch now and learn what successful persistence looks like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eevtxSG9T3s

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An 8 Week Plan That Works…

Today is only a starting point. Where you go from this point forward is all up to you. Watch now and learn what to do for the next 8 weeks to supercharge your income. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5WtioIW2Io

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Did You Do The Best You Could?

Don't look back at your year only to realize you could have done just a little bit more. Review your goals, renew your attitude and get back on track. You still have time to end the year strong! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvjg5j0qQoA CLICK HERE FOR NOTES

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