Our Blog

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

      My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey...

Join Neil’s Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Los Angeles Real Estate Agents who want to master the Mike Ferry scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every workday and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll...

Join Neil’s Buyers Agent Real Estate Role Play Workshop

My “Buyers Agent Role Play Workshop” is a free live virtual training program for Real Estate Agents who want to master buyers scripts and dialogues. You will have someone to roleplay with every week and never have to deal with a “flakey partner" again! I'll pair you...

Be Hard To Stop

How successful you can become really depends on how hard you are to stop. Anybody can start something...but it takes true self discipline to keep going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1btMzLcRm4

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What’s Behind Every 10th Door?

Most buyers and sellers already live in homes... a great way to find them is to knock on their doors. Watch now and find out what's behind every 10th door. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_JLU4QyfS8

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Are You Working To Your Potential?

No one is born successful, but everyone is born with the potential to be successful. Watch now and be inspired to go to your next level, to work on reaching your potential. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjN8P-ID_e4

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Are You Really Prepared?

Good preparation is a critical key to success. Watch now and learn what  you should be doing today to convert your opportunities into income. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LKHH37Lj_g

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What Is In Your Future?

How you think and what you do today determines your future.  Watch now and learn what to do today to positively change your tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnHVu2-HloU

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Are You Planning To Win?

In order to be successful we must formulate a plan to win, then we must take action. Watch now and learn what you must do after your plan is made to reach or exceed your goals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNLb_V2FOEg

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