Everybody Can, Not Everybody Will

Sales Meeting Monday, December 16, 2013

Quote: To get what we’ve never had, we must do what we’ve never done. Anonymous

Introduction: Tribute to Bill Porter. Link here

Legal Eagle Report; November form updates, link here

Question: Do you know of an agent that has listed or sold a property because of working hard since 10/30/2013? Start with this thought: You can still list or sell a home this year…..

Could you do it? __________
Will you do it? __________
Should you do it? __________

Success is not a process of ability it is a process of will.
Turn nothing into something…

1. Start with ideas and imagination, it seems real even before they become reality. Imagine the possibilities.
You can list and sell a home by year end or shortly thereafter.

2. Believe what you imagine is possible for you.
If I can do it, you can do it.
If I did it once, I could do it again.
If I can start with nothing, you can start with nothing.
If we did it last year, you can do it this year.
Faith to believe, a piece of the real, so very close to being real
You can only see it with the inner eye.

3. Go to work and make it real. Take Action!

4. It takes disciplined activity to complete the task.

Appreciate the discipline that turns the ideas into reality.

Let’s take a look at some ideas that will get us to that goal.

1. Focus on business generation.
Systems include: Past client and sphere of influence, just listed just door, leads, FSBOs, Expired Listings;
Home lines are going away.
We must capture cell numbers and email address.
Door knocking works.

2. Prospect earlier in the day.
Get it done early, to avoid distractions. No email, Facebook, phone, until after prospecting. Prepare the night before;

3. Tough on pricing, and go back faster for reductions; now
In March, April, May, June and July we took any listing at almost any price. We learned to watch the market and to be versatile.

4. Prospecting is lead generating and follow up is appointment setting. No appointments no money. On follow up there is no such thing as not too much follow up, always ask yourself… how many deals have I lost from over following up and how many deals have I lost from not following up enough?

5. Track and monitor everything we do.
What you track you can improve;

6. Work on scripts every day.
Don’t use it, you lose it. 30 min daily;

7. Stay on schedule at all costs.
Discipline now = freedom later
No discipline now = pain later
My schedule is what I want my life to be;

8. Maintain high standards.
Rules for interruptions; minimum price ranges; minimum commission % or minimum $ amount earned;

9. Running through the finish line works. If I work I can make money at the end of the year.

10. It is not what happens to you that counts… it is how you react to it.

Today matters
The next 11 work days matter. Lets go out and make this the most productive week ever!