Feeling Bad About Not Hitting Your Goals?

Sales Meeting, April 22, 2013

Question: “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
John Wooden

Winners of $25 gas cards from the 4-17 Door Knock Blitz courtesy of Ramis Urribarri and his team from International City Mortgage: Jenny Feng, Joe Salazar, Kathryn Rey, and Carlos Amador. Next Door Knock Blitz is this Wednesday, get details at www.DoorKnockBlitz.com

Legal Eagle update: Borrowing or Lending a Supra: Keys may not be used under any circumstances by anyone other than the key holder. This means you may not lend, borrow or share keys with others. The AOR/MLS is not obligated to provide service or lockboxes to an individual who is not the registered lessee or owner of the component. The key must only be used for the purpose of facilitating the sale/lease of a property. The sanction for a violation (under the CARETS Data Integrity Policy) of CARETS MLS Rules 13.1, 13.2, 13.9 and 13.10 and as specifically defined in Rule 14.3, is an immediate fine assessment without warning; and the assessment shall be the maximum amount allowable under the current Data. In accordance with the policy, a Tier Three Automatic Violation in the amount of $1,000.00 will be issued to anyone lending or borrowing a key. DO NOT ASK TO BORROW A KEY; THIS PUTS YOUR FELLOW AGENT IN A COMPROMISING SITUTION. DO NOT LEND YOUR KEY, TO YOUR FELLOW AGENT NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY BE.


When you set a goal and you don’t achieve it how do you feel about yourself?

You start to doubt yourself and start to beat yourself up. How does that feel? When you see someone that has achieved more than you, how do you feel about yourself? You feel bad, right? You beat yourself up, feel small, right? You feel lousy and doubt everything that is being taught to you. You doubt yourself, you doubt everything.

Statistically, goals are only met by 3% of the population. If that is the case, most people go around feeling pretty bad about themselves most of the time.

So what do we do?

We set higher goals for ourselves. Only to fall short and then start the process all over again making ourselves feel bad.

How do we fix this? Make tiny refinements daily. Begin to create small wins daily. When these small wins compound daily they start to enhance our lives at levels most people would only dream of. The level of success that one can expect in ones life is in direct proportion their constant and never-ending improvement.

We find this out:
· In our personal relationships
· In our business lives
· In the way we handle money
· In our health
· In our education

Set up a daily checklist to review at the end of each day. Go over all the activities that you need to help move you forward in each category. The feeling of completing tasks that help you reach your goals is a feeling that will make you feel awesome. Results oriented people are always measuring themselves against goals they have set for themselves, not the people they want to beat.

What have I learned today?
What did I improve?
What did I enjoy?

Set up a system to constantly be improving yourself.

The following are the characteristics of a successful and always growing individual:
· They are better trained;
· They focus on their goals;
· Have a high desire to achieve;
· They have discipline;
· They have the courage to do what they don’t like to do;
· They have strong commitments to learning how to handle objections;
· They have a willingness to get out of their comfort zones. “You are where you are because its okay with you”
· They replace old habits with new productive ones;
· They practice constantly;
· They maximize the use of their time. When they are at work they work, when at home they are at home;
· They have a productive attitude not just a positive one;
· They set time deadlines and don’t quit on them;
· They control their emotions. Its not what happens to you, its how you react that matters.

Today Matters
What will you do in the next 24 hours?
How will you spend them?
What changes will you make?
What actions will you take to move your life forward?
Now let’s go out and make this your most productive week ever!