“It’s not the absence of challenges, struggles, and slumps that makes top level Agents more successful. It’s how they approach them mentally and move through them that separates these Agents from the crowd. ” – Neil Schwartz

Ask yourself if you are focusing on the problems in your life or the solutions. To increase your production, you make promises and commitments and your loved ones are counting on you to keep them. When adversity happens, do you break your promises and commitments or do you find a way to keep going?

Real Estate Training: It's Not What Happens To You, But How You React To It That Matters

Today Matters
Today really does matter
What will you choose today?
Hopefully some of what I said here today will move you forward in ways you may never have dreamed before.
Regardless of how this talk affects you, you must take action.
Decide now today, to make sure you are in control of how you react to situations.
And remember, It is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you react to it that is important.