Last quarter of 2012

As of 10/1/12, below are the days left for the last Quarter of 2012.

94 days total
31 days off with weekends and holidays
63 week days left
5 previews per week day x 63= 315
5 exp/old exp per week day 63×5= 315
315+315=630×10 doors= 6,300 doors knocked 30% home talk to 1,890 contacts. Come on….YOU CAN DO THIS!

Remember that, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out…”
– Robert Collier

Stick with it!
Run through the finish line! It is now or never! Keep up the momentum!
“The extra mile is never crowded.”
“Ask and ye shall receive.”
Do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it.

Remember to stay in the now!
Have you ever said this to yourself? “Self, I already tried that” with little to no results.
Well I say, Try again!
This time,
With more energy!
More persistence!
More focus!
Better and higher expectations!
More determination!

Paul Meyer once said,  “Ninety percent of those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit.”
Stick with it!
How well you follow through with your plan determines your success.
You can only make things happen by seeing them through to the end.
It’s true……You may try and it may not happen right away.

John Maxwell says there are two types of people when it comes to discouragement:
Splatters and Bouncers
When Splatters hit rock bottom they fall apart and they stick to the bottom like glue.
Bouncers hit bottom and they pull themselves together and bounce back.

At some time or another in the pursuit of our goals, we will get discouraged. When that happens the only question is, are you going to give up or get up? Are you a Splatter or a Bouncer?

We all desire to be successful, yet think about it; most people you know never achieve success.
They’ll dream about it and they will talk about it.
Yet… most of them will not attain it.
Because most people do not understand success.
It is NOT winning the lottery. Success is not a destination.
Success is a daily goal. It is something that needs to be worked on everyday.
The only way to achieve real success,  is to do it one day at a time.

This is the truth about success:
To be successful, you don’t need to be lucky or rich.
You only need to know this one thing-
You are what you do daily…

So….it’s important that you first form your habits before your habits form you.
It’s as easy to form habits of success, as it is to form habits of failure but you have to make the decision to take control of those habits.

Every day you live, you are in the process of becoming either


These are the steps you need to take in order to become successful:
Make a commitment to grow daily because success doesn’t come from acquiring, achieving, or advancing.
It only comes as a result of growing.
If you make it your goal to grow a little every day,
It will not be long before you begin to see positive results in your life and business.

Don’t wait for inspiration!
You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when your feel like it.
You must get going daily even when you don’t want to.

To be successful you must persevere on a daily basis and be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity.
You will pay now, or pay later for everything in life, but you will pay a price for the choices you make.
You need to choose whether you will pay it on the front end or on the back end.

Jim Rohn said, “If we correct the errors of the past and pick up some new disciplines for the future, we can super-charge our future.”
If you choose to, you can super charge the next 63 work days.
Remember….it’s YOUR CHOICE!

Now… let’s go out and make this an amazing week ….