March Madness Is Here

March is here and….

Business in picking up! Homes are selling. There are multiple offers on well priced homes. In fact, there are opportunities all around us.

Gear up now to make March the best sales month we have had in 2 years!

  • We have to work on our attitudes
  • We have to work on our skills
  • We have to work on our mindset
  • We have to work like we never have before

Realtor prayer…

Dear Lord,

Please give me one more good market and I promise not to screw up the opportunity.

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to have all the luck?

They appear to get whatever they want. Rewards just flood to them.

You see it and you want to be just like that. All you need to do is take some consistent action.

You need to get over your procrastination and develop persistence.

Persistence is what keeps you achieving and achieving keeps you motivated.

Persistence is the ability to carry on towards your goals even when things go wrong or take longer than you wanted them to.

With persistence, you keep going and striving for what you want even when you feel like giving up. You stop procrastinating.

When you work on any big goal, your motivation will have good days and bad days. It will be affected by your mood, the people around you, how well things are going towards your aim etc. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated, sometimes you won’t.

But it’s not your motivation that will produce results – it’s your actions.

Making the effort and achieving even one small thing towards your goal today is what will begin your journey.

Ok – so how does persistence improve your motivation?

Persistence isn’t magic. It’s simply that thing that allows you to keep taking action even when you don’t feel motivated to do so.

With persistence you stop procrastinating and keep getting at least small things done; they all add up – and therefore you keep on achieving results.

All you need is one small step forward, one little positive result and your motivation will return again because you will be believe once more that you *can* be successful.

So that’s why persistence may be all the motivation you need.

Force yourself today to make one step in the right direction towards achieving what you want to achieve and you will see some benefits.

Your goals will suddenly look a whole lot more achievable.

You’ll remember why you wanted to achieve that goal in the first place and you’ll see that it’s worth a little bit of hard work to get it.

Soon you’ll have stopped procrastinating and will actually have achieved something. Simply keep taking action, and you’ll start to get results.

Questions for your business plan because how you spend the next twenty-four hours will speak volumes about how your future will evolve.

  • Will you get up early and work out to help you have energy for the day?
  • Will you have the discipline to role play and at what level?
  • Will you start prospecting on time?
  • Will you call the people you are suppose to call and call with intensity looking to set an appointment today?
  • Will you take time to study your scripts and dialogues today?
  • Will you take time to preview property today?
  • Will you spend time listening to tapes and reading books to help your mindset?
  • Will you complete this business plan outline?

Or will you be like all the rest of the average agents?

What will you do in the next 24 hours?

How will you spend them?

What changes will you make?

What actions will you take to move your career forward?

Now go out and start moving forward!