
Sales Meeting, June 24, 2013

Quote: “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve.” -Mary Kay Ash

Book Winners: Sandra Balentan and Mario Alfaro

Easter Seals: Richard Marquez of Academy Mortgage won $18.50 and donated all to Easter Seals. Thanks for your support!

Lender Training on Tuesday by Academy Mortgage on their Loan Concierge Program.

Door Knock Blitz gas cards winners: 4 winners of $25 gas cards, courtesy of Rick Kesseler and his team at Academy Mortgage: Alfie McFadden , Terrie Haynes, Connie Berduo, and Marci Quintanilla

Legal Eagle Update: Early Entry for Repairs or Storage. Occasionally a buyer will request to enter a property to complete repairs or perform other acts prior to the close of escrow. If repairs are to be completed, always make certain there is an agreement in writing which sets forth who will pay for the repairs initially and if the escrow does not close for any reason. For example, if the buyer is paying for repairs to the seller’s property, it should also be determined whether, if escrow does not close, seller will have any obligation to reimburse buyer for the repairs.We do not recommend that you allow early entry, but if it is necessary please see Marilyn or Cindy and have a release prepared. Attached hereto is a copy of a release for this type of action. We also have a release for early entry to store possessions, and strongly recommend that you use it! Here is a link to a sample agreement.


Definition…..Procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task to a later time.

90% of Sales people procrastinate. Of that 90% , 25% are chronic procrastinators and they are usually the ones who end up failing in this business.
A person who is procrastinating a lot may feel stress, they may feel a sense of guilt and usually they are less productive

Procrastination is killing your business.

Question: Why do we procrastinate?

A. Lack of motivation
B. Lack of clarity as to what you want
C. Confusion as to what you what
D. Fuzzy mindedness about what you are trying to do and in what order it needs to be done in

Where does Procrastination usually show up?
Poor Time Management. Procrastination means not managing time wisely.

There is one quality that you must possess to win… and that is definiteness of purposes, the knowledge of what you want and a burning desire to achieve it.

Procrastinators are made not born. Procrastination is learned.

You did not come out of the womb as a procrastinator… you learn it…
I will put off feeding until later
I will put off changing my diaper until later
I will not work on my scripts and dialogs until later
Not doing what was needed to get done must have been ok in your family;
It must have been ok at school;
There must not have been any consequences for not getting things done in a timely manner.

So if something is learned then it can be unlearned. How?

Replace “Have To” With “Want To”

First, thinking that you absolutely have to do something is a major reason for procrastination. When you tell yourself that you have to do something, you’re implying that you’re being forced to do it, so you’ll automatically feel a sense of resentment and rebellion.

Replace “Finish It” With “Begin It”

Replace, “How am I going to finish this?” with “What small step can I start on right now?” If you simply start a task enough times, you will eventually finish it.

Replace Perfectionism With Permission To Be Human
Another type of strange thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism. Thinking that you must do the job perfectly the first try will likely prevent you from ever getting started. Successful effective people are those who launch directly into their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and single mindedly until those tasks are complete.

Remember when you’re not working to improve……your competition is, so….
Get going on role plays …. do more;
Get going on prospecting …. do more;
Get going on seeing properties in higher price points so you can increase your income by working smarter rather than harder.

This market is roaring for some of you, and for some, you are just getting further behind. I believe you are still procrastinating.

What will you do in the next 24 hours? How will you spend them? What changes will you make? What actions will you take to move your career forward?

Now let’s go out and make this your most productive week ever!