Push Yourself

Push Yourself
Sales Meeting August, 19, 2013

Quote: “The only real failure in life is failing to try.” Sven-Göran Eriksson, famous Swedish soccer coach

Door Knock Blitz: Congratulations to the 4 winners of $25 gas cards, courtesy of New American Funding. Mirna Lagos, Joe Salazar, Richard Reyes and Steven Aguillar. Join this week on Wednesday. You can get details at www.DoorKnockBlitz.com

Legal Eagle Update: Cancellation of Contract. Form needs to be completed. Here is link to details, and page 2 is the form.

Push Yourself

When did you start real estate? What year?
Why did you decide to get started in this business?
Give me 3 reasons why you started.
Has that changed over time?
If it has changed what are the reasons now?

Most of us have not achieved what we want out of this business. Why?
Give 3 reasons?

What do all people who achieve true excellence and consistently high performance have in common?

The answer isn’t great genes, although they’re nice to have. It’s the willingness to push themselves beyond their current limits day in and day out, despite the discomfort that creates.

Push yourself!
Successes in life always come down to you and the choices you make. I always say work on the things you can change and never dwell on the things you can’t. No one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. GO HARD, NO EXCUSES.”

Thoughts on pushing yourself:

No one said this would be easy, just know that nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment. When you do the tasks you set out for yourself in the am and you do those activities even though you do not sell or list a house, how do you feel about yourself at the end of the day?
There’s no substitute for consistency. It is baby steps consistently, not giant steps occasionally, that gets you to your goal. Push yourself!

Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit…. KEEP GOING!
Hard work can out-do genetics! See the Disney movie “Planes”
Do it now. Sometimes ‘later’ becomes ‘never.’ Has there ever been a time when you put something off doing your prospecting working on your scripts following up with a clients that that never happened.
What did that cost you?

The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret. One of the worst feelings is to regret not doing something.
If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence to anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and strengths. Our limitations begin in our hearts, where we can always replace negative with positive.

You can have results or excuses. Not both.
You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.
Good things come to those who wait, but greater things come to those who are willing to work for it.
Set small goals for yourself and meet them. You are responsible to take care of yourself. You should be your priority!

There are three keys to pushing yourself

1. Minimize temptation, which operates the same way the house does in a casino. It will always defeat you if you expose yourself to it for too long. Think about cake or cookies at an office party. If they sit there in front of you, you’re eventually going to succumb. The same is true of incoming email. If you don’t turn it off entirely at times, the ongoing pings will inevitably prove irresistible.

2. Push yourself to discomfort only for relatively short and specific periods of time. Interval training is built on short bursts of high intensity exercise offset by rest and recovery.

3. Build energy rituals — specific behaviors done at precise times — for your most difficult challenges. Try beginning the day by focusing without interruption on the most important challenge in front of you, for no more than 90 minutes, and then take a real renewal break. It’s much easier to tolerate discomfort in short doses.

Choose one area of your life and push yourself just a little harder than you think is possible every day. You’ll feel better about yourself, and over time, you’ll get better at whatever it is you’re doing.

Today matters!
No one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. Now lets go out and make this our best week ever.