Some of the Lessons We Have Learned Since 2006

There are opportunities in every market.
Save money (what you think is enough is not!).
Equity in real estate and stocks and bonds are nice, but “Cash is King.”
Live below your means.
Don’t use your home as an ATM machine (many friends and associates I know got hurt here).
What looks great may not always be great
(Like going after the REO business and forsaking all other sources of business).

Be versatile, develop skill sets for different markets and market opportunities, …probate… fsbo, expireds, …short sales.
Never say never. Don’t let your ego get in the way. For years I said forget about open houses, in 2008 that activity
helped us through a very tough time).
What got you here may not be what gets you out and/or where you want to go now.
(Working REO’s and short pays).

Hard selling is out, consistent follow up and web presence is in.
We used to say, “If you do what you have always done you will get what you have always got”, that is not true anymore…If you do what you always did you will do less.
Make sure loans you take out are non recourse type.
Don’t be the smartest, richest person you hang out with. You can’t learn or grow.
We must always be sharpening our sales skills
“Somewhere, someplace, someone is practicing and when you meet them they will beat you.”

Markets are cyclical, they go up and market go down. “Kiss of death thinking” -This market is different, this market is unique, assuming that the up or down will not come into play.
You are where you are because it is ok with you.

50 work days left in this quarter

You can do anything for 50 days no big deal. Don’t worry about what you have not done so far this year. Lets only worry about the next 50 work days

As coaches and managers we get asked all the time “what does it takes to be great?”

What our research does show us is that the lack of natural talent is irrelevant to great success. We have found the secret to be painful and demanding practice along with very hard work.

You are not a born CEO or investor or chess grandmaster.You will achieve greatness only through an enormous amount of hard work over many years. If great performance were easy, it wouldn’t be rare.

People who never made it …are as they are because they tried, failed, and never try again.

People who are mediocre are as they are because they found something that works and never try anything else.

People who are successful are as they are because despite their past failures, they kept trying until they found something that worked really well.

People do not succeed without effort, determination, and patience.

Why would a seller or buyer hire you? Answer this question: The buyer or the seller would hire me because…

Market knowledge
Hard worker
Good with numbers
Can find good deals
Available when called upon
Why you?

Better know what it is…. and if you don’t, you had better find out what it is. You had better get better!

Today matters

What you do today will determine what results you will have days, weeks and months from now.

No activities today equals no money, no listings, no sales or money tomorrow…..period.
Make that connection and great things will happen for you.
Don’t make that connection and you will not have anything, it is your choice.

Now let’s go out there and make this our best week ever.