Most people are under the impression that optimistic people are living in a fantasy land where everything is possible and nothing will happen. Then you have most pessimistic people who defend their responses by saying that they’re not a pessimist, but a “realist”.  In the end guys, pessimistic people can say whatever they want because optimistic people… make more money.

Optimism is more than a positive mental attitude

People who perceive life optimistically don’t just say one positive word after another; they view life in a different frame of reference that governs the way they look at the world. Being optimistic means that you really believe you will be able to accomplish everything you want to do. When you are optimistic, you begin to stop focusing on the disappointment or negative feelings that are inevitable throughout one’s life and pay more attention to the various other ways you can succeed.

Optimistic people have a faster recover

We are rejected day in and day out in this business called “real estate”.  Even the best real estate agents can let all the rejection and negativity get to them at times. However, because of the mechanics in an optimistic person’s mind, they’ll begin to automatically think of several different ways in which they can transform their negativity into something positive. This allows them quickly bounce back up from off the ground and continue pushing forward.

People like people who are optimistic


Has there ever been a real estate agent you knew who just couldn’t stop talking about all the negative crap that’s happening? Like every word that comes out of their mouth was about how, “we have less of this” and “how we can’t do that” or the flood of REO’s is coming and the sky is falling. Now, honestly, do you enjoy hanging around people who are like that? They waste your time don’t they? As Matthew Ferry says, they are “energy sucking vampires”.

How about your buyers and sellers? Do you think they would want to be represented by some pessimistic real estate agent who thinks everything is hopeless or an optimistic agent who will search for solutions? Now here’s an even better question, which agent do you think will get more referrals over time?

See, an optimistic mindset is ultimately contagious and allows you to become an influential figure with people. As your business matures, having the power of influence will make your job effortless and easy.

Nobody wants to be around a moody, angry, or pessimistic person, but we all like and admire those who have a positive optimistic outlook on life. What kind of real estate agent are you?