Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others?

Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others?

  • Did you ever wonder why are some people more successful than others?
  • Did you ever wonder why do some people make more money?
  • Did you ever wonder what is the real secret of success?

Have you ever said?

  • “Someday I will read that book” and it never happens?
  • “Someday I will take that awesome vacation,” and it never happens?
  • “Someday I will work on learning the expired scripts,” and it never happens?
  • “Someday I will learn the listing presentations,” and it never happens?

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out…”~ Robert Collier

Enemies in the path of success are 2 thoughts:

Path of least resistance-

  1. Where some people take the easy way in almost every case
  2. Where some people seek short cuts in everything

Path of getting it done-

  1. That is where people look for the easiest fastest ways to get the things they want right now …..and with little or no concern to the long term consequence of their behavior.

Think long term
Dr. Banfield conducted a 50 year Harvard study on the reason some people succeed and some don’t.

Banfield felt that it was education, where they were brought up, who were their parents or mentor were and what schools they went to. He was shocked by what he found out after 50 years of study. The most important single attribute of people who achieve great success in life was “long term time perspective.”

The amount of time an individual takes in consideration when deciding on actions and activities they do. He found that successful people are long term thinkers. They look in to the future as far as they can to determine the kind of people they what to become and the goals they want to achieve.

They then come back to the present and determine the things they have to do or not. For example, if you come home from work at night and choose to play with your children or spend time with your spouse, rather than watch TV or read the paper, you have a long-time perspective.

You know that investing time in the health and happiness of your children and spouse is a very valuable, high-priority use of time. He said If you take additional courses in the evening to upgrade your skills and make yourself more valuable to your employer, you’re acting with a long-time perspective. Learning something practical and useful can have a long-term effect on your career. The key word, then, to keep in mind when you’re setting priorities is sacrifice. Setting priorities requires sacrificing present enjoyment for future enjoyment. It requires giving up a short-term pleasure in the present in order to enjoy a far greater and more substantial pleasure in the future.

Economists say that the inability to delay gratification – that is, the natural tendency of individuals to spend everything they earn plus a little bit more, and the mind-set of doing what is fun, easy and enjoyable – is the primary cause of economic and personal failure in life.

On the other hand, disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem and personal satisfaction.

Agents do what is fun and easy. Rather than what is necessary for long term success.

  • Stay up late
  • Drink too much
  • Spend too much now
  • Save too little
  • Little or no exercise
  • Wing it on presentations
  • Don’t practice the latest and best answers for objections they get all the time

Remember that what counts is not the amount of time that you put in overall; rather, it’s the amount of time that you spend working on high-priority tasks.

You will always be paid for the results that you obtain, not merely the hours that you spend on the job.

Today matters………

The road to success is uphill all the way.

Don’t measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.
~ John Wooden

Do what you are suppose to do when you are suppose to do. Resolve today to set clear priorities in every area of your life.

Always choose the activities that will assure you the greatest health, happiness, and prosperity in the long term. The long term comes soon enough, and every sacrifice that you make today will be rewarded with compound interest in the great future that lies ahead for you.

And make this the best week of the year….