You Are Never Too Old to Chase Your Dreams

You Are Never Too Old to Chase Your Dreams

Sales Meeting, Monday, September 9, 2013

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You Are Never Too Old to Chase Your Dreams

Some facts about Diana Nyad
She is not a fast swimmer. She is a determined swimmer.
She is 64, and she became the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without the protection of a shark cage.
Nyad swam the 110 miles in 53 hours
She swam 53 hrs?
She attempted this 4 times before
Her 1st attempt was in 1978 when she was 28 years old
“The thing about aging is, it’s true that the clock seems to be ticking faster as you get older. It isn’t, but it seems to be,” Nyad said during a press conference Tuesday.
“Time seems to be running out. And I wanted to swim this endeavor not to just be the athletic record. I wanted it to be a lesson for my life that says, be fully engaged.
Be so awake and alert and alive every minute of every waking day, because that’s where I had to be for these years to get this done.”
Some things we have learned from Diana Nyad
1. Never, Ever Give Up. This woman tried five times. Five times! The first time was when she was in her twenties. She. Never. Gave. Up.
… No one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. “GO HARD NO EXCUSES.”
2. You are Never Too Old to Stop Chasing Your Dream. She did not use her advancing years as an excuse for not trying hard, harder and hardest. She did not think, as some of us might, “I am in my 60s and too old to reach my goal. I’m going to rock in my rocking chair and dream of what could have been.”

3. There is No “I” in TEAM. She swam the 110 miles by herself. She should get all the credit. But her 35-person crew was right there with her, making sure she was safe, providing her with nourishment, and undoubtedly keeping her spirits high. She is wise enough to know that she couldn’t have done it without their support.
4. Physical Fitness is Forever. I don’t know how Diana Nyad stayed in the shape required for this feat. But clearly she has never stopped working out at an extreme level.

5. Know Your Limits. Why did the last four attempts fail? I remember storms, sharks and jellyfish thwarting her effort. I remember footage of her crying when she had to call an end to one of her attempts. Bitterly disappointed she surely was, but sensible enough to know when it was time to get out of the water.

6. Jump Back in the Water. Or get back on the horse. Pull yourself together and get back in that ring or on that playing field. Don’t give up because it is the easy thing to do. Force yourself to keep on keeping on.

7. Focus on Your Strengths. The woman is 64.
Obviously she does not have the abilities of a much younger athlete. So how did she compensate? What was her strategy?

8. Ignore the Naysayers. . Have self-confidence. You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.”

9. Don’t Stop Believing. She never did. She knew she could do it.

Push yourself….
Successes in life always come down to you and the choices you make.
“No one said this would be easy, just know that nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment.” When you do the tasks you set out for yourself in the am and you do those activities even though you do not sell or list a house how do you feel about yourself at the end of the day?
“There’s no substitute for consistency.” It is baby steps consistently not giant steps occasionally that gets you to your goal (push yourself)
The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret.” One of the worst feelings is to regret not doing something
Today matters
… no one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. Now lets go out and make this our best week ever!