You Were Born To Win

You Were Born to Win
Did you know you were born to win?
Zig Ziglar says, “You were born to win!”

In order to do this you have to:
1. Plan to win
2. Prepare to win
3. Expect to win and…
4. Take action to win

If you don’t do 1, 2, 3, and 4 then you cannot win.

Zig Ziglar once said, “You are at this point in your life today because of the all the people you have met, all the books you have read, all the seminars you have gone to and all the choices you have made based on those experiences.

In order to fulfill your destiny you need to change what goes into your mind and understand that life is a long series of choices,

If you make enough of the right choices you will end up winning.

Repetition is the mother of learning,
Repetition is the Father of Action,
Making repetition… the architect of accomplishment.

Your past is only important because it brought you to where you are yet… it is not nearly as important as how you see your future.

The way you see your future determines your thinking today,
Your thinking today determines your performance,
Your performance today determines your future!

Your closings today, your listings today are… the result of activities taken days, weeks, months ago. Your activities today, this week, this month… will determine your listings sales and closings in the future!

You could have had a bad past bankruptcy, foreclosure, not enough education, chemical dependency, not doing the activities you needed to do every day, not saving enough for your future etc…

THAT is the past!

Think about this:
Zig said, “Failure is an event, it is not a person.”

You may have failed before but you are not a failure.

Read : Murrays card

I have been broke,
I have had to go into my change drawer for lunch money,
There was a time when I had no closings, no cash,
I went to buy an overcoat one year because of very heavy rain and I had to use 2 credit cards because I did not have enough balance on one to do the job.

One thing I did have was HOPE!
If there is hope in the Future there is power in the present,
Everything I do as an individual and everything we do as a Company is to give you hope in that future.

Life is tough… no sugar coating that.
Things can be difficult…the competition is good…sometimes great…the clients ask more questions…
It takes more time to find a deal and more time to close a deal.

When you are tough on yourself life will be easier! Again….when you are tough on yourself life will be easier!

Meaning… have more self discipline. Don’t wait for life to discipline you….take control of your own life. Get in the drivers seat and…

Eat right, keep your weight off, rev up your energy to fight the good fight.

Get up early… start your day right and do the activities you are supposed to do every day.

Preview properties and go see expireds, prospects and… learn the scripts so you know what to say and when to say it.

Do all these things so that when the opportunity comes you are ready! You are a Champion in training and YOU will be ready.

When you are tough on yourself, life will be easier because you will be ready to face the challenge.

You Must be disciplined…

before you can do _______

and you must do what you are supposed to do (even on the day’s you don’t feel like it)….

before you can have _______

But….we all want to be free and we don’t want to be told what to do,

We are independent contractors!

We want it to be good yet….. we really don’t want to pay the price.

We don’t want to be disciplined!

Right now… You are your own boss

How is that going for you???

Think about this:

The train goes on the tracks but it only goes where the tracks are.
The train is restricted and must stay on the tracks.
What if we take the train off the track?
What if it’s absolutely free to go anywhere it wants?
Yet the truth is… without the tracks and without having a path laid out for it….it cannot go anywhere.

You have a steering wheel on a car and it is under the control and direction of the driver.
You take the steering wheel off and the car will probably end up in a ditch.

175 of CEO’s for the fortune 500 companies, were in the Marine Corps.

6 of the last 7 presidents were in the Navy and 26 of all the Presidents served in the military.

What do they teach in the military?
They teach discipline,
They teach responsibility,
They teach you to have a plan,
They teach you to take action on the plan.

Inside each of us is great potential!

Your choice…
Do what others will not do for 10 years
And do what others can’t do for the rest of your life.

Remember…Today matters!