Your Present Circumstances Do not Determine Your Future

Sales Meeting November 26, 2012

Sales Meeting Quote: “We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.” – Marian Wright Edelman


Door Knock Blitz Winners: Gary Rubalcava, Geoffrey Noval, Jose Acosta, and August Wen. Extra $25 gas cards won by Elena Hull and Oscar Garcia. This week sponsored by Academy Mortgage, Rick Kesseler and team.

Next Door Knock Blitz Wednesday, December 5. See details at

Nido Qubein, Author and Speaker: “We all start at different places in life and we all are given different genetic gifts, however, these things have little to do with where we end up.” It is common for people who didn’t start with the same opportunities or genetic gifts as others to surpass those who had a distinct advantage to begin with. The world is full of opportunities, your limits are only your opinion, and we all know we can change our opinion anytime we want.

There is nothing more common than extremely talented, highly educated, very intelligent people who are living in the bottom layers of social economics. Without action there is no hope of reaching goals. The great news is that “Inspiration to action” can be developed at will. No one has to live a life that is less than what they desire. Take action today….. get up and get going.

You are where you are because its okay with you. If you want more, take action!

In almost every biography or autobiography, there is a story of how average people have overcome  incredible obstacles and adversity before they enjoyed success. The same is true in real estate or any other endeavor. “Heartbreaking obstacles” are an important part of triumph.

People who begin their careers in real estate with the desire to significantly change the quality of their lives many times are left feeling defeated as the result of the “Heartbreaking Obstacles” that are a normal daily occurrence in business. Those who understand and persist past those obstacles “Learn To Win,” while those who give up “Learn To Lose.”  Winning is a habit just as losing is a habit. It  just becomes a matter of which habit you choose to develop.

To obtain what you never had, you must do what you’ve never done before.  It’s like starting a bike from a dead start; it takes a whole lot more energy to get going than when you’re just coasting along.  As you continue doing the new actions, the changes you’ve made in the past few weeks,(more consistent prospecting, practicing your scripts and contacting your sphere of influence), is creating momentum, but it is not easy. Many days we feel drained and we need to remember that with all of our work we are building momentum, the work  will get easier; yes, even prospecting and speaking with FSBO’s gets easier. This is a critical moment, you are making changes and with changes comes pain. DO NOT GIVE UP! Don’t quit, quitting is not an option.

I promise you, the more you take action, the more momentum you will pick up, as you build momentum you become harder to stop, meaning that you become more persistent. Your persistence will carry you to the success that you are looking for.

How to get the most out of this week at the Sales Talk event:

  • Go to bed early;
  • Get up and get to class early;
  • Don’t sit with your buddy find, new buddies;
  • Pick up at least 20 cards from potential role play partners;
  • Leave your cell phone in your car;
  • Be in the moment;
  • Be there from the start;
  • Don’t leave early;
  • Take all the notes, and re-write them at night;
  • Ask questions;
  • Take your hot lead list and/or your Past Client/Center of Influence list and call them on way to the event, on the way home, or from home in the evening, a minimum of 10 contacts each day;
  • Ask for appointments for Saturday or Sunday or 1st of the following week.

This week matters. There are 168 hours this week. This week can help change the end of 2012 for you. Use this week of training as a springboard.  You get Mike almost one-on-one for the week, there are only 700 people in the room, and 100 are from our company. Don’t tell him your story, ask him a question or for advise. Use it, listen, learn, take in the information, ask questions, use the time to re-charge. You are at the feet of the master coach. Mike Ferry is the John Wooden, the Don Shula, the Vince Lombardi the Phil Jackson of real estate. Ask, learn, listen, then act.
Make the last month of 2012 your most productive yet.
Now let’s go out and have a powerful week.